Actuarial Advertising Information for

Please call or email us regarding advertising on
Phone: 770-425-8576

To post jobs on or access the resume database, click here.
Ad Agencies, for additional important information, click here.

Featured Employer Ad
Right column of home page and throughout jobs area. See Advertising Opportunities, click here.

Career Tools and Services Ad
Right column of home page and throughout jobs area. See Advertising Opportunities, click here.

Google AdWords Ad
Top and bottom of right column, homepage and throughout jobs area. See instructions in your Google AdWords Account on how to advertise on specific sites.

General Information (Applies to All Ads except Google AdWords Ads.)

  • Positioning is on a first come, first serve basis with current advertisers given right of first refusal.
  • We reserve the right to limit content of ads based on legitimacy and competitiveness to this site or any other content we deem inappropriate.
  • Ads must clearly identify your company.
  • We reserve the right to review the format and wording of all ads.

4 Types of Advertising available on

Ad placement is available in the following “Sections” of the site:

  • Home Page (main page)
  • Job Postings Area which includes Career Home Page and All Job Search Pages
  • Actuarial Forums (all pages)
  • Career Section
  • Directory of Actuarial Exam Online Courses
  • Directory of Actuarial Exam Live Seminars
  • Directory of Actuarial Exam Study Materials
  • Directory of Actuarial Recruiting Firms
  • Directory of Actuarial Schools

For Each Section, you may choose a Banner Ad or Sponsor Text Ad

Banner Ads are images and rotate

Our very large banner ads are on a rotation basis with other banner ads every 20 seconds. A banner ad gives a large, high impact ad rather than a small ad shared in a space occupied with other ads. Format must be:  468 pixels x 60 pixels.

Sponsored Text Ads are text and do not rotate

There are two lines of text. Format must be:
Line 1:  Company Name (with link)
Line 2:  tag line
Line 3:  links to your site

See main page for formatting examples

Featured Company Ads contain a logo and do not rotate   

These ads are only in the jobs section of the site.
Ads link to your company profile in the jobs section. Company profiles contain links to your jobs.
Featured Company Ads are sold at the bottom of the Jobs – Pricing / Products page.

General Information

  • Positioning is on a first come, first serve basis with current advertisers given first right of refusal.
  • Your Company Name must appear either separately or in the web address shown.
  • We reserve the right to limit content of ads based on legitimacy and competitiveness to this site or any other content we deem inappropriate.

There are many “Sections” of the site where you can place either banner ads and or sponsor text ads. They are outlined above. Ads must clearly identify your company. We reserve the right to review the format and wording of all ads.  Ad agencies, the rates are net.

for Banner Ads or Sponsored Text Ads
365 days
Home Page850
Jobs Section850
Discussion Forum850
Career Section850
RUN OF SITE (special pricing):   
Banner Ad5200
Sponsor Text Ad5200
Banner Ad AND Sponsor Text Ad8700

We reserve the right to allow or not allow certain advertisers or ads.

Please call or email us regarding advertising on
Phone: 770-425-8576



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